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To continue to replicate and exist, a flu virus must be in a host animal's cells. They can be grown in cultures (and eggs) for creating vaccines, but need a living host for long term activity and to "live".

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A virus needs to have a host

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A host.

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Q: How does the flu reproduce and survive in the human body?
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How does the flu effect homeostasis in the human body?

The flu creates a negative feedback within the human body. When you have the flu, your body temperature will rise in an attempt to kill the virus. However, while your body continues to heat up, you will sweat to ensure your body doesn't overheat. Once the virus is gone, your body will resume taking care of itself.

How does the Swine Flu virus survive?

The swine flu H1N1/09 virus survives as do all viruses, by invading a host to support it and do its work to reproduce. Viruses can not live without a host to infect. That is why some viral diseases have been eliminated by vaccination programs, if everyone is vaccinated, no one becomes a host. Don't let flu viruses survive inside you, get a flu vaccination every year prior to flu season.

Do you have to have a Swine Flu needle to survive?

To survive what? Getting the swine flu? No, you do not have to be immunized to survive. Most people will survive getting the flu, but older people and really young people are at risk of dying.

What is the most common threat to the human body from an invading virus?

Swine Flu or scientifically pronounced (H1N1)

What are the three animals where the Swine Flu evolved?

well it started with the avion flu which mixed with swine flu (the origoinal non-human effecting) then with human flu

How long does the flu virus last in the human body?

i think it is about like a week , then i think the virus goes away

Can a catch catch the flu from a human?

No a catch isn't an animal or human. Humans can catch the flu and polio. A lot of kids die from polio and the flu.

Why do you need germs on your body?

The human body can handle some germs in the body it helps the body learn to fight and build up an immunity. The body will learn what is foreign like a bacteria and fight against it to promote health. A flu shot is putting a little bit of the flu germs in our body so the body can build up antibodies against it.

What is the energy source of the flu virus?

The flu virus is a non-living thing, so it doesn't have its own energy source. To reproduce, it hijacks the cells of a living being, such as the upper respiratory cells of a human, and uses the energy of those cells to make more copies of itself.

What are reasons people should worry about bird flu?

People involved in epidemiology have continued to be concerned about the Avian Flu because it has such a high mortality rate. In humans, the mortality rate is as high as 50%. Luckily, it is not spread from human to human. It has also been a concern during the H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu because of the potential for extremely high death rates if the Avian Flu would mutate with the Swine Flu to make it able to be passed easily from human to human like the pandemic flu does. This was of special concern since some of the genetic material in this novel swine flu is derived from Avian Flu viruses.

What is the origin of the name swine lu?

Swine flu was first discovered in people working with pigs. Flu is a disease that is transmitted in various forms among people, pigs, and birds. Sometimes bird flu is transmitted to pigs, and sometime pig flu is transmitted to people. What actually happens is that a pig has pig flu and catches bird flu. A chromosome from the bird flu gets mixed with the pig flu and changes it to a different type of flu. Then a person with human flu catches pig flu. A chromosome with pig and perhaps bird flu mixes with the human flu. The flu is mainly human flu but contains pig and bird flu chromosomes. It got the name swine flu because people working with pigs caught it first. Because it has the pig and bird chromosomes, people with resistance to human flu, have less resistance to swine flu.

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