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Q: What does a weak negative mean on a home drug test?
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What does preliminary mean in a home drug test?

THC positive.

What does a negative result of a home test mean?

That you are testing too early or that you are not pregnant.

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is a home drug test the same test probation uses

What does two purple lines mean on a urine drug test?

That's a negative result...

If you fail a drug test on probation will they call you?

Depends on your probation officer- it's their call. But a weak negative could just also be a defect in the test used. Most companies that sell drug tests will tell you that a weak negative is still passing, no matter how faint the line. There is no such thing as weak negative. A test is either positive (drug metabolite present in sample) or negative (no drug metabolite present in sample). A line on an on-site test is read as negative no matter how faint.

You tested negative for cocaine with the at home drug test then you were tested 3 hrs later and sent off to lab will you pass that to?

if they use the same test then yes

Is there a drug test for tramadol and can I get a home kit to do it?

tramadol drug test

What can i drink for my drug test to come out negative?

Drinking water will eventually flush out the system, but it can take months before your drug test would come out negative.

How do you test negative for a drug test if you smoked marijuana the day before it?


Can you pass drug test after 7 weeks clean?

Saliva and urine drug test -YES, but the best will be to home test yourself using One or 5 or 7 panel home drug test kit (from any CVS). Hair drug test- NO

If you tested negative on a home test will you pass a lab test?

maybe, home tests are less accurate than professional lab tests are. if you have gone over a month without the narcotic then you have a better chance of passing a lab test. and things like penicillin and a cap of bleach, don't really clean your urine. that will just make you sick. so if you have had the drug within 14 days you still might not pass a lab test because their tests are accurate for up to the past 60 days.

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