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White tigers do not have an ancient history in folklore and myth as the familiar orange / black tigers have. So dreams about white tigers are more likely to have meanings specific to the individual dreamer. Beginning with the tiger itself, the dream would be depicting something wild and dangerous. Then combine that with a white tiger, which is more rare and exotic than other tigers, a creature of zoos and theaters, and the dream takes on an extra aura of fantasy. Depending on the context of the dream, the white tiger might represent something that would be dangerous in its natural state, but has been romanticized or sentimentalized. Something in the dreamer's life is truly dangerous, but has taken on a superficial appearance of being tame and cute.

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Q: What does a white tiger symbolize in my dream?
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What does a tiger symbolize in a dream?

The tiger sybolizes whatever the person thinks of a tiger (such as something fearsome, a hunter, something wise, etc.)

What does a white tiger symbolize?

The white tiger tattoo to me symbolizes strength and inner beauty. Not only that but it is a beautiful site.

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Early marriage, for women.

What does it mean when you dream of catching a white tiger while fishing?

No one expects a tiger to come up on the hook when fishing. Even when hunting for tigers, one does not expect to encounter a white tiger. So this dream suggests that you have encountered (or are about to encounter) something completely unexpected, and potentially dangerous. The beauty and exotic attraction of the situation does not lessen the danger.

What does a Bengal tiger symbolize in your dream?

If you are a football fan, the dream might reflect your enthusiasm for the Cincinnati Bengals. Similarly, it could refer to Cincinnati in general, with that zoo's successful white tiger breeding program. Beyond those local associations, there are far too many possibilities to suggest a single interpretation without considering other factors in this specific dream, such as its location (home? office? school?) people involved (who is the target of the tiger's anger?) and your own emotions while in the midst of the dream (pride? fear? righteous anger?) Each of these elements is crucial to the meaning of the dream which, one way or another, expresses your own emotional situation.

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A white ribbon has no particular significance of its own. It might symbolize a third place price in a dream of competition. Another possibility might be the association of white ribbons with brides or with infant baptism. But without more information about the entire dream, only the most general guesses can be offered.

What do tiger dream of?

when they take a little tiger snooze.

Had a bad dream where i was being chased and then out of nowhere a white tiger appeared?

The dream of being chased reflects some problem or issue that you are trying to avoid in real life. It is a literal picture of your "running away from the problem." The white tiger represents something or someone you hope will solve this problem for you, perhaps an imaginary hero.

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keen observation

What do you call a white tiger?

a white tiger

What does it mean to dream that your dog is defending you from a white tiger?

Your dog represents someone or something that is very familiar and ordinary. The white tiger, by contrast, is both exotic and dangerous, perhaps with a superficial aura of sentimentality or glamor. The dream is telling you that you are being protected by something/someone ordinary and familiar from a glamorous danger that has fooled you into thinking it is harmless.

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.