

What does accumlation?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What does accumlation?
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What is bioaccumlation?

Bioaccumlation: the accumlation or amount of polluants in living things. It is where one animal, such as a mouse, consumes a substance, lets say a pesticide such as DDT, and then is eaten by another animal, lets say an eagle. If the mouse has been infected with DDT, and then is eaten, the eagle will be infected with the toxins as well. Example: A mouse eats crops sprayed with DDT. An eagle then eats the infected mouse. The eagle is infected with the toxins. The eagle's system is then damaged and its eggs shells will become softer and the chick inside will either die, or be born without being properly developed. A more simple example might be a bird flying over a factory and getting some acid. Then, a bigger bird eats that bird, then a different animal eats that bird, and eventully, the acid is collected and brings viruses or/and death.

She needs time apart but you love her how do you stay a couple?

Answer If she needs time apart you have to find out why. I"m going to give you a suggestion that really does work if you wan to try it. Write her a love letter and acknowlege that yes there are some problems in the marriage, but her leaving won't help the two of you to ever get past this point. Whatever you do, DON"T point fingers at her. Don't make accusations, just be gentle with her and put a lot of I love you's in your letter to her. Maybe she's not feeling your love, maybe you haven't been expressive enough to her off late. Whatever the reason, only she knows or if you know you haven't said in your question. Remember, these things don't happen in one day it's an accumlation of things that makes a person want to leave, try to find out what they are and hopefully between the two of you, you can work them out. Good luck

What is dentigerous cyst?

the word dentigerous means containing a tooth . these are epithelial saced formed around the crown of an unerpted tooth or dental anomaly " odontome" . the cyst radiographically shows an enlargment of the follicular spce around unerupted tooth originates from the accumlation of fluids between reduced enamle epith. and the crown of the tooth . it is most frequent in Children and adolescents in which it is more frequent in the Mandible than the maxilla with no predominant sex predilcaton . the most effected teeth are the lower third molar in the upper canines " due to their late eruption time " . the cyst is painless and symptomless , the pt.'ll seek ttt for the facila assymetry caused by the prgressive enlargment of the cyst . Radiographically : Unilocular Radiolucency associated to unerupted tooth, well marked boarders of the cyst with scelorotic rim , Adjacent teeth's rooth may be resorped . Histologically : Cyst wall > Conn. Tissue capsule free of inflammatory cells, unless the cyst is infected . it is attached to the CEJ of the involved tooth . the cyst may frequently contains secreting cells . * there is a poteintal for ameloblastoma development out of the Dentigerous Cyst Dr. Moh'd S. Barake

How does a chemical bioaccumulate in an organism?

Bioaccumlation: the accumlation or amount of polluants in living things. It is where one animal, such as a mouse, consumes a substance, lets say a pesticide such as DDT, and then is eaten by another animal, lets say an eagle. If the mouse has been infected with DDT, and then is eaten, the eagle will be infected with the toxins as well. Example: A mouse eats crops sprayed with DDT. An eagle then eats the infected mouse. The eagle is infected with the toxins. The eagle's system is then damaged and its eggs shells will become softer and the chick inside will either die, or be born without being properly developed. A more simple example might be a bird flying over a factory and getting some acid. Then, a bigger bird eats that bird, then a different animal eats that bird, and eventully, the acid is collected and brings viruses or/and death.