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Q: What does all knots get into the comb mean?
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What is a slip-not comb for?

A slip-not comb is just a normal comb or brush for an animal, usually a dog or a horse. The slip-not comb is just to release knots in the fur or mane.

What about the comb?

There are so many different types of combs. There's a rose comb, pea comb, single comb, v-shaped comb, walnut comb and a buttercup comb just to name a few.

What happens if you don't comb your hair?

It knots up, sometimes you get dreadlocks

Who is Walter Sammons?

Walter Sammons is the African American man who invented the hot comb.

What does comb the pony mean?

to brush it or comb it. usually to comb the mane and tail

How do you take care of your hair?

First thing, wash your hair. Then put conditioner in your hair. Take a comb and run through your hair. When there is no knots rinse hair. Then comb it again. Repeat everyday.

What happens when you don't use conditioner and you don't comb your hair?

Your hair becomes dry, frizzy, unmanageable, and gets knots.

What is a matted poodle?

The word matted means that their hair in tangled very bad in knots. Very hard to brush and comb them out.

What does peinar mean?

to comb

What does it mean when a child has soft knots on the back of there head that's not tender at all?

lymph nodes

Can you brush fake clip in hair extensions with a normal brush?

Yes, you can comb extensions with a brush. Also use a light detangler, it helps get the knots out!

What is the best way to comb out knots in a horses mane?

If you put baby oil in the mane or tail, the knots will come out right away - it also makes it shiny:). If you ever have a problem with cockaburs, baby oil will help take those out, too!