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Q: What does an amphibious fish look like?
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Related questions

What fish is an amphibian?

I don't think any. Fish can be amphibious, like the mudskipper, but since they still have fins they are regarded as fish.

An amphibious Creatue is?

A Fish.

What fish live in water and land?

amphibious fish

Are beavers amphibious?

Fish can be amphibious. Got to wikipedia to find out!

Is there another fish that does not look like a fish?

There is a fish that does not look like a fish and it is an eel. Jellyfish does not look like a fish and starfish aswell.

What is an amphibiousness?

An amphibiousness is: The state or quality of being amphibious. Look on you-tube and look up amphibious and u can see:)

What is fish look like?

fish are fish

What does fish look like?


Are mud-skippers fish?

Mudskippers are amphibious fish, able to walk out of the water on their pectoral fins.

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Dolphins look like dolphins and why would they look like a fish when they are a mammal?

What do seawater fish look like?

There are thousands of species of fish and they all look different from one another in some way. Seawater fish look like fish as do freshwater fish.

How do seahorse look like?

they look like fish.