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What is the similarity between followers of Judaism and Christianity?

A. Answers Showing CommonalitiesAnswer 1Judaism and Christianity have many core principles in common such as valuing charity and chastity, expressing compassion and praying for peace, and believing in the value of defending your principles. Judaism and Christianity acknowledge the same Old Testament history including the Mosaic Miracles and the proofs of God's connection. Both believe themselves to be the children of Abraham (literally or spiritually) and both believe that their job is move the partially bestial, partially divine human being closer to being along the divine path.Answer 2As Christianity was based on the rejection of Judaism, there are almost no similarities between the two religions. The main similarity is that the Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanakh (Jewish Bible). Otherwise, there are almost no similarities between the two.Answer 3In both the religions the creator of the universe and God is considered to be the one.They both believe in prophet Moses.They both believe in the same God. The main difference is that the Jews don't believe that Jesus was the son of God, merely that he was a prophet.Answer 4Christianity is a form of Judaism that began with Jesus' twelve disciples. Both religions are monotheistic, they believe in the same God (although orthodox Judaism believes that Jesus was a nobody, not the Son of God), and they both share the same history. From Adam and Eve throughout the Bible, both religions use the same text (although Judaism mainly uses the first five books of the Old Testament, or the Torah).Answer 5The definitions of Judaism and Christianity can be so broad.Both believe in god. Both believe in the Law and the Prophets. Both have several factions interpreting the faith differently. Both are nearly worldwide religions.The most obvious answer is that both hold to the teachings of the Hebrew scriptures, what Christians refer to as the Old Testament.Answer 6There are virtually no common points between Judaism and Christianity. What can be seen as commonalities are:1. The Tanach (Jewish Bible) is the basis for the Christian Old Testament. However, the texts of the Christian Old Testament were altered to support the teachings of Christianity.2. The Unitarian sects of Christianity are truly monotheistic according to the definition set by the Tanach and are considered to worship the same creator as Jews do.3. Christians accept the Jewish prophets as prophets.Answer 7These are the major similarities:Judaism and Christianity both believe in one God.They both recognize the Hebrew scriptures.Major differences include:Jews believe God is a unity, whereas most Christians believe in a Trinity, or at a minimum, the divine nature of Jesus. Jews also do not recognize any concept of Satan being a power of evil in the world.Christians emphasize belief, whereas Judaism emphasizes deeds and commandments.Christians emphasize eternal reward and punishment whereas Jews emphasize their current lives.All Christians, by definition, believe in God and Jesus whereas there is no concept of any kind that all Jews believe in, including the existence of God.B, Answers Discussing Reasons for Lack of CommonalitiesAnswer 1Jews do not believe that Jesus was a prophet, he plays no role whatsoever in Judaism. In reality, since Christianity was based on the rejection of Judaism, there aren't many similarities between the two religions.Answer 2Jews believe that Jesus was another false Messiah who wanted to turn the Jews against the Pharisees and Sadducees, the clergy of that time. They wait for the "real" Messiah.....Answer 3The Christian religion began from the Jewish religion. A man called Yeshua (Jesus) set himself up as opposition to the Prushim (Pharisees). There may have been more than one man by the same name, as it appears that one Yeshu was stoned to death by the Jews, and the Christians maintain that he was crucified.The Christians abandoned the commandments when the New Testament condemned them, leaving the only similarity as the text of the Tanach (Bible), which was eventually translated by the Christians, when they promptly abandoned the original text.Answer 4The reality is, that Christianity is a Jewish sect. The Jews believed the the messiah would come and save them and for those Jews that accepted Jesus as the messiah that wouldn't really be making a difference. They are still Jews .It is the other Jews that didn't accept them as Jews as they wouldn't observe some of the more obscure food and behavior laws. Specifically the circumcision was a point of contention. The Council of Jerusalem and the Incident of Antioch should give you an idea of the different views within the Jews and followers of the "Messiah".To establish it as autonomous religion should be credited the most to Saint Paul. Paul was the one spreading it into other areas. Specifically Tarsus ... Paul was known as Saul of Tarsus before. Tarsus is called Turkey today and was home to some of the first christian villages. It is Constantine the first that with his Edict of Milan opened the flood gates and allowed the Christians to establish themselves as an autonomous religion. Interesting fact on the side... Constantine's home was considered to be Constantinople which today is called Istanbul.C. Answer: Main similarities are:Both worship same God; the Creator (Although in Judaism they don't believe in the Trinity as Christians do).Both share same morals.Both believe in all God prophets before Jesus (however, Jews don't believe in Jesus as God, son of God, or a prophet.)Both don't believe in Muhammad as God prophet.Both believe in the Resurrection Day.Both believe in the Paradise (or Heavens).both believe in the 2nd eternal life.Both believe in God angelsBoth believe in the God Torah holy bookBoth Religions are Abrahamic religions (Based on Abraham).Christianity and Judaism has the same historical background. All of the first Christians were Jewish before they became Christian, so Christianity is based on the Jewish religion. They used the old testament and then wrote the new testament as time went on the books were edited and changed. The original first Christian church in Europe was the Roman Catholic and until the 1450's it was the only church and it is in the councils that decisions were made on what books of the bible were to be included in the Christian teachings.Both are monotheistic. Both believe that the one God is good and personal. Most (but not all) Christians and Jews see God as both omnipotent and omniscient. Both believe that God has a saving power to bring some/all people to life after death. Both believe that there is a value in faith. Although Christianity came from Judaism, Jesus deeply changed Judaism, so apart from what I wrote above, the two religions are otherwise completely different.Both religions believe in the same God (though not the Trinity), believe the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are part of the history of thier religion and consider Abraham the father of their religion.They are both the descended from Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.