

What does an electrical recorder do?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it records sounds by eletricity

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Q: What does an electrical recorder do?
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tond djskf rjf,df dhdjre

Where can one purchase a data recorder?

A data recorder can be purchased at many hobby shops and electrical retailers, or online at sites such as 'quick sales' 'electric burst' 'd h gate' and 'hobby king'.

Where is the cheapest place to purchase a Dazzle DVD recorder?

You can get a great price on a Dazzle DVD recorder if you can find it on Craigslist. Failing that, you can try your local electrical store. Amazon or eBay tend to have great deals too.

How does a sound recorder work?

a sound recorder works as follows: a microphone consisting of a diaphragm which moves cause of the vibrations of sound, and these sounds have a special wavelength and by this wavelength the device can determine what sort of electrical pulse it has to send and this electrical pulse triggers a machanism that transforms these pulses into a digital file wich consists of 0 and 1.

What is a Y-t recorder?

It's an apparatus that can record variation of an electrical signal (Y) in time (t) on paper or on memory and displayed on a PC

How do you put grease on a recorder?

You will need recorder grease for a wooden recorder, and recorder cream for a resin/plastic recorder. On either one, use your finger to smear the grease on the joints of the recorder. On a wooden recorder, the joint will be made of cork or string.

What type of energy is formed when using a cassette player or recorder?

The main power output is in the form of heat but a small amount of power is also output as an electrical signal.

What is recorder level?

Recorder level

What key is a recorder in?

It depends on what type of recorder you have but, normally there are three parts to a recorder.

DVD Recorder ?

form_title= DVD Recorder form_header= Record movies with a DVD recorder. What is your budget for a DVD recorder?*= _ [50] Do you want a blu-ray recorder?*= () Yes () No What do you want to record?*= _ [50]

What is recorder in French?

'recorder' in french is 'enregistreur'