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An old superstition says to turn one of your shoes upside down if your sleep is disturbed by a barking dog

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Q: What does an upside down horse shoe mean?
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Is an upside down horse shoe bad luck?

No, a horse shoe is hung with the tail up to hold the luck within. An "upside-down" horseshoe isn't bad luck, it just doesn't hold good luck. My father used to put horseshoes upside down over doorways to drop the goodluck inside them upon whom ever passed through the doorway.

Is a upside down horseshoe bad luck?

A horse shoe is traditionally hung with the ends up. This is to hold or keep the luck in. Hanging a horse shoe with the open side down is not so much bad luck as it is to let your luck run out.

Why is a horse shoe hung in a U shape above the door?

A hores shoe hung over the door in a U shape is supposed to be good luck but an upside down one is bad luck.

What happens when you hang a horse shoe symbol upside down?

The superstition is that if you hang a horseshoe upside down, your household's luck will pour out of the opening and drain away; whereas if you hang it right side up (with the opening at the top) the luck will collect and be available as needed.

What Shape is Greece?

Whatever you can think of! Use your imagination and look for as long as you like. I think it looks like a horse's head yet my friend thinks its an upside-down shoe. Take a look and think........................

Is that really true That when you tip a horse shoe upside down all the good luck comes out?

Yes unfortunately but if you put it up then all the luck is kept in! Put it on your door to ward off evil spirts

What does a horse threw it mean?

This would depend on how the term was used. If you mean ' the horse threw a shoe.' that would mean the horse lost it's shoe somehow. If it was ' the horse threw the rider.' it means the horse lost it's rider somehow. It can also mean the horse 'threw' a foal ( gave birth/sired a foal). There are many meanings to this term, depending on how it was used.

What is the shoe of horse?

A horse's shoe is called a horseshoe. A horse's foot is called a hoof.

What does the term throwing an iron mean in horseracing?

It means losing a horse shoe.

What does 8 N in a H S mean?

8 Nails in a Horse Shoe

What happens if the toms sign is upside down on your shoe?

i heard they wer limited and only couple pairs wer like tha :/

Can you shoe horse backwards?

Not unless you are an idiot. A horse's hoof is shaped like the shoe. Putting a horse's shoe on backwards is like putting your own shoe on the wrong foot.