

What does app stand for?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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App is short for: application

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14y ago

It stands for application.

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What app stand for?

App is short for: application

What do the letters app stand for?

'app' stands for 'application' which is another word (in IT terms) for a program.

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This means Google App Engine.

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Iap stand for in app purchase like playing clash of clans or other games like that you could spend money to buy something for you in the app.

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There is not a stand alone iPhone mixing app. However, Presonus Audio Electronics has a QMix app that allows you to control monitor mixes of your Presonus Studiolive mixer.

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on your screen unless you have the ebook stand, then the books go directly to your stand

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stand in it and use your dowsing app on your poketch, it will help you find it.. hope this helps xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Yes, stand directly next to them, or ask them to put it on speakerphone. Or see the link.

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When its raining at the hotel's area stand outside the hotel's entrance and use the item finder app until you find it the suite key. When you give it to the lady she only gives a stupid lava cookie!When its raining at the hotel's area stand outside the hotel's entrance and use the item finder app until you find it the suite key. When you give it to the lady she only gives a stupid lava cookie!When its raining at the hotel's area stand outside the hotel's entrance and use the item finder app until you find it the suite key. When you give it to the lady she only gives a stupid lava cookie!When its raining at the hotel's area stand outside the hotel's entrance and use the item finder app until you find it the suite key. When you give it to the lady she only gives a stupid lava cookie!

How do you change real name in facebook to stylish font?

If you want to post color font status updates to your Facebook feed, you can use a new iPhone app called Hollanote, available for free from the Apple App Store. It does post as a photo, but if you are looking to make your status update stand out this app certainly helps.

What apps does a dsi have?

It has a music app it has a camera app a app to play your game a pictochat app a download play app a settings app and a shop app( you can by more apps at this shop)