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Back buttons represent interdependence which means that everyone has to help each other.

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Q: What does back buttons represent in Jonas's community in The Giver?
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What age had jackets with small buttons and pockets in the giver?

In "The Giver," jackets with small buttons and pockets are given to children at the Ceremony of Nines, when they turn nine years old. These jackets signify the transition from childhood to adolescence and the child's new responsibilities within the community.

Why do Fours Fives and Sixes all wear jackets with buttons that fasten down the back the giver?

Fours, Fives, and Sixes in "The Giver" wear jackets with buttons to symbolize their status in the community and to restrict their freedom of choice. The buttons at the back allow the elders to control them by easily dressing and undressing them, reinforcing conformity and obedience in the society.

What does the jacket with buttons in the front symbolize in the giver?

The jacket with buttons in "The Giver" symbolizes conformity and sameness imposed by the community where individuality is suppressed. It represents the lack of freedom and personal expression within the society portrayed in the novel.

What do the nameplates on the twelves indicate on the giver?

The number twelves are assigned to children who are turning twelve in the dystopian society of "The Giver." The nameplates represent the age at which children receive their assignments for their future roles in the community.

What did jonass training leave him no time for?

The training Jonas is getting in The Giver leaves him no time to talk about his dreams to his family. Jonas is doing training that is different than his friends have.

What do colors symbolize in The Giver?

In "The Giver," colors symbolize emotions, individuality, and memories. The absence of colors represents a lack of diversity and sameness in the community. When Jonas starts seeing colors, it symbolizes his awakening to a richer and deeper understanding of the world around him.

What did the receiver not have in the giver?

The receiver in "The Giver" did not have access to memories of the past before the community was created. This is contrasted with the Giver, who holds all memories and emotions for the community.

What is the highest job in the community called in the book The Giver?

The highest job in the community in the book "The Giver" is called the Receiver of Memory.

Who was the giver in the book the giver?

The Giver in the book "The Giver" is a character named The Giver who is responsible for storing the memories of the community and passing them on to the protagonist, Jonas, who is training to become his successor. The Giver's role is to help the community avoid making the same mistakes that led to their highly controlled society.

What is the very last ceremony to be celebrated in the community in the giver?

The very last ceremony celebrated in the community in "The Giver" is the Ceremony of Release.

What happened in the ceremony of sevens in the giver?

They get a jacket with buttons down the front. (:

What will lily get at the ceremony of 8 in The Giver?

a jacket with smaller buttons and pockets