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Q: What does background research mean a scientific mehod?
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What does scientific background mean?

it means your background for your research

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What does it mean to explore the context of work?

To research its historical background and original purpose

What is background research mean?

what you already know about your topic. Background research is not the information you already know if it were it would not be called "research". It's really additional information that you look up on your topic and a brief overview of some of the important facts.

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Assuming you mean "nuclear energy": power plants don't produce it, they use it.

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Information collected during research or an experiment.

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FRIM stands for Forest Research Institute Malaysia. It is a leading scientific organization in Malaysia dedicated to the research and conservation of tropical forests.

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It basically means to read stuff on the subject before you make a lot of choices on how you are going to do your research.

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Rescearch in common parlance refers to a search of knowledge. Research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic..

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What does background research mean in science fair project?

i dont know but i have to do one too in a science fair project and it has to be 1000 words! sincerely, Rania