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Q: What does background theory mean?
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What is cmb?

CMB is cosmic microwave background radiation. It is the radiation that is the basis for the Big Bang theory.

What theory predicted the cosmic background radiation?

The Big Bang.

What does background mean?

bacground means a background of something

Which of these is evidence that supports the big bang theory?

cosmic microwave background radiation

The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation and primordial helium gas was scientific evidence supporting what theory?

The 'big bang' theory.

Which theory of the universe did the 1964 discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation support?

I didn't check the year... But the cosmic background radiation is said to support the big bang theory, because it agrees with the radiation that is expected from an expanding Universe.

Which theory is supported by the evidence of cosmic microwave backround radiation?

The evidence of cosmic microwave background radiation supports the Big Bang theory.

What do you mean by theory?

theory for rocks and minerals

Why the cosmic background adiation was an important discovery?

It helped prove the big bang theory.

Why did the discovery of background radiation with a wavelength of 7.35 cm help to support the big bang theory of the universe?

I am not entirely sure about the wavelength; however, the features of the background radiation agree very closely to what would be expected from the Big Bang theory.

What do you mean by background?

background is what you find in the back of an area (the back of a scene)

What discovery destroyed the steady state theory?

For most cosmologists, the refutation of the steady-state theory came with the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965, which was predicted by the Big Bang theory