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this could mean a couple of things. if they are just turned around, he could just be resting them. if they are turned around but still upright, he would most likely be listening to something behind him, like his rider. If they are pressed flat against his neck, he is pretty mad. the best way to tell the difference is looking in their eye... you can tell a lot by the look in it.

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15y ago

they are listning bej=hind them or if they are flat back it means they are angry

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Q: What does backward slanting horse ears mean?
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What does it mean if a horse's ears slant backwards?

A slight slant backward may mean the horse is listening to something behind him. If you are on the horse and the ears are slanted back, he is listening to you. However, a slant backwards is different from pinning the ears or laying them back against his head. pinning the ears means the horse is angry or threatened in some way. A horse can be very dangerous at this point and you had better know how to read his communication and know how to respond or you may get kicked or bitten.

If a horses ears are slaunted backwards what does this mean?

If the ears are slightly backward then the horse is listening to what is behind them, they put their ears like this when they are sleeping as well. However, if they are flat back against the horses poll the they are showing that they are angry or distressed.

If a horses ear's are slanted backwards what does that mean?

If a horse's ears are simply slanted backward they are usually "listening" to the rider; however if they are pinned to the head (you wouldn't even see them from a distance) the horse is angry.

If a horse's ears are tilted backwards what does it mean?

The horse is angry.

What is it called when you clip your horse right before its ears?

Do you mean after the ears? then it is called the bridle path. you would clip it as long as the horse's ears.

My horse's ears are slanted backwards what does this mean?

It matters on what you are doing. If you are riding, it might mean the horse is paying attention to you. Sometimes when your not riding and are doing something the horse puts its ears back when it is scared or angry.

If a horse's ears are slanted backwards what does that mean?

he's mad

If your horses ears are slightly tilted backwords what does it mean?

When a horse puts both ears backward he is most likely upset or annoyed with something. This doesn't necessarily mean he will do anything bad, but use caution when approaching a horse with his ears back. He may try to kick or even bite if he feels threatened. If you are riding a horse with his ears back, try to calm him down by patting his neck. If just one ear is slanted back, he is probably trying to figure out your riding cues.

What does it mean when a horse has its ears back?

When a horse's ears are pinned back (Flat against the back of it's head.) it is telling you "Back off buddy!" It means the horse is not in a good mood. (It is not happy.) This could be followed by a kick or a bite, so watch out and back up!

What does it mean when a horses ears are slaunted backwards?

the horse is angry or generely not very happy

What does it mean when a horse's ears go back and their tail swishes?

They are about to buck so watch out.

What does it mean when a horses ears flap?

Well this would depend on what you mean by 'flap'. A horse may 'flop' it's ears out to the side if it's bored, asleep, or even upset. They may wiggle their ears to try and dislodge a pest or debris. Sometimes a horse will lay it's ears back in anger or lay them sideways if they are ill. They also swivel their ears if they are listening to something.