

What does bacterium eat?

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12y ago

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Some bacterium eats things

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Q: What does bacterium eat?
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Do butterflies eat bacterium?

yes. But don't understand how

Does bacterium in the intesine helps with what you eat?

Yes, bacteria in the intestine aid with digestion.

A virus that reprduces in a bacterium is called a?

bacteriophage (literally, phage = eat, bacterio = bacteria)

How can be bacterial food poisonings be prevented?

There are many different bacterium. The method is to avoid them, and to retard their growth. Heat does not kill all bacterium. Some bacterium require a lack of oxygen (anaerobic), and other require oxygen (aerobic. Botulism poisoning comes from the clostridium botulinin. Clostridim Botulinin is an anaerobic bacterium. Freezing the bacterium will only preserve it. Exposure to air will kill it. People love garlic. So too does the bacterium. Do not store garlic under oil or water. Keep it exposed to air and sunlight. Some bacterium will grow in any environment. Salmonella typhi can not be controlled by O2. It causes typhoid fever.

Is bacterium plural?

bacteria is, unless you were to use the word "The" in front (the bacteria are) Answer The bacterium is ...., the bacteria are..... Bacteria is the plural form, bacterium is the singluar.

What is a bacterium that needs oxygen?

A bacterium that needs oxygen is called an aerobic bacterium

Can you get rabies if you eat a food contaminated with a saliva of a rat?

Only if that rat has rabies, & even then, chances are slim. Human saliva has acid & so much vile bacterium in it that it basically destroys poisons & other alien bacterium.

What is the plural of bacterium?

The plural of bacterium is bacteria.

What is marine bacterium?

a bacterium that lives underwater

What is the difference between bacteria and bacterium?

bacteria is plural and bacterium is singular

What are different aspects that affect the safeness of the food they eat or prepare?

Bacterium, temperature and moisture all can affect the safeness of food.

What is the singular word for bacterium?

Bacterium is the singular word.