

What does being a dependency mean for the isle of man?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What does being a dependency mean for the isle of man?
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What is Isle of Man?

The Isle of Man is a self-governing British Crown Dependency located between Great Britain and Ireland.

Who is the Prime Minister of the Isle of Man?

The Isle of Man does not have a Prime Minister; rather it has a Chief Minister as it is a British Crown dependency. The Chief Minister of the Isle of Man is currently James Anthony Brown.

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The Isle of Man. The Isle of Man isn't an independent country. It is a dependency of the United Kingdom with internal self rule.

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No, the Isle of Man is a Crown Dependency, with its own parliament and government running its own internal affairs. It is not part of the EU. The Isle of Man has more political independence than Wales.

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The Isle of Man is an Independent Crown Dependency, it is not part of the EU and requires a work permit.Glad I could give a quick explanation.

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It has its own parliament, but it is a British crown dependency, though not part of the United Kingdom.

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If you mean the Isle of Man, it's IOM.

Are England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales and Isle of Man nations?

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom. The Isle of Man is not part of the United Kingdom. It is a crown dependency.

Where is international country code IM?

Country code IM is the Isle of Man, which is a British crown dependency, but not legally part of the United Kingdom. The Isle of Man is located between northern England and Northern Ireland.

Who does isle of man belong to?

That's quite a difficult question to answer. The Isle of Man is a self-governing territory AND a Crown Dependency. This means that they have their own Parliament and their own laws but the United Kingdom Government have ultimate responsibility. In practice, the UK government doesn't interfere in internal Isle of Man affairs but does represent them at the UN. The Isle of Man isn't a member of the EU.

Under which country does the isle of man fall?

The Isle of Man parliament is called the Tynwald.

Is the Isle of Man a British isle?

No. Britain is an island made of England, Scotland and Wales. The Isle of Man is a separated island, between Britain and Ireland. It is not part of the United Kingdom either. It is a Crown dependency.