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To Christians, baptism is a symbolic event that makes them a member of the Christian religion, or of a particular denomination of Christianity. It is normally only performed once in their lifetimes, unless formally changing from one denomination to another.

Baptism is sometimes also seen as removing what is called 'original sin', that everyone is said to be born with.

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9y ago

For Christians baptism is an act of obedience after a person makes a decision to follow Christ.

Going into the water symbolises dying to self and coming up out of the water symbolises the rebirth.

There is nothing mystical about baptism it is a symbolic act of obedience.

This is what The Bible teaches also baptism in the Bible is a believers baptism that is some body who has the capability to understand the gospel and believe.

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Q: What does baptism in Christianity mean?
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Only Christianity uses baptism to help people have a remission from sin.

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In Christianity, Baptism symbolizes a spiritual "rebirth" into the christian faith, and it is often used as an initiation into a church.

How do you use the word baptism in a sentence?

Baptism can mean a religious ceremony where you are symbolically cleansed of sin. Sentences for this would be the following.I had my baptism last Sunday and now I am a full member of the church.Do you want to have a baptism and accept God into your life?Baptism can also mean any event or ordeal that changes you significantly for the better. Here are some sentences.Jose was thrown into the job without any training, and after this baptism by fire, he learned how to do everything.This is a real baptism into how the real world works!

What does the candle mean in the rite of baptism?

Baptism is a Christian tradition and the baptism candle has a long history. Light is an important symbol within Christianity and the baptism candle represents the movement from death to life in Christ, who is also known as the 'light of the world." Baptism is the way in which the Church welcomes a child into the community of faith.

Who introduced the Baptism in Christianity?

Jesus did because he was baptized by John the baptist

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Maybe visiting the Ganges...?

What does baptism cleanse you of?

of all your sins and pronounces you to Christianity because Jesus was baptized.