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The action of being killed is used as a metaphor in the dream. Without further information, a full interpretation is not possible, but in general, the dream suggests that the dreamer feels that he/she is being destroyed in some way. For example, the dreamer might feel that their career has been "killed" by being passed over for a promotion, or that their life is over because of being grounded by parents.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Dreams are a manifestation of either our subconscious minds or recent events in our lives. We can dream of being murdered because we are severely depressed and want to die, we feel we have no control over our lives, or that someone else is controlling it, we can be in an abusive relationship, we can fear our own death, we can have post traumatic stress disorder, or we can see no way out of a seemingly hopeless situation and great loss.

A bit more:

Dreams are the mind's way of 'filing' away events of the day, thoughts, things you see during the course of a day, conversations, movies you watch, books, wishes, fears, etc. And, while most dreams don't mean a thing, a recurring dream can have meaning. If you have recurring dreams that someone is trying to kill you, it doesn't necessarily mean your life is in danger, but often means you feel threatened in some aspect of your life, even on a subconscious level. For example, you may feel you are in jeopardy of losing your job or won't get the promotion you want, or you may feel your marriage is on the rocks, or afraid your home will go into foreclosure, etc.

There are so many areas of our lives that we all worry about at times, so you need to give it a lot of thought and try to figure out what you may be worrying about. Once you can identify the fear, the recurring dreams will usually go away.

Please see the Discussion Page for one woman's personal experience.

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14y ago

These kind of dreams can be driven by a strong

emotional state, such as Guilt, fear, anger,

stress,regret, helplessness or ill health.

but remember, not all dreams have meaning, some

are what they seem, mixed-up nonsense.

they have a purpose that is not open to

meaningful interpretation.

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13y ago

Dreaming of being shot and killed could have different meanings depending on the context and other people/events in the dream. In general, it suggests that the dreamer feels that someone or something is taking extreme action to stop the dreamer. It could be a task or job that is cut short or a career with which the dreamer identifies. It could represent the end of a significant relationship, suddenly ended by the other party against the dreamer's will.

it is nothing to worry about it just means that your brain needs something new i have died in my dream before so i speak from experience

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10y ago

First and most importantly, the dream is NOT predicting any future violence. Getting killed in a dream is only a metaphor, exactly the same as common expressions of speech such as, "Stop it, you're killing me!" when you are laughing, or "He's a lady killer" when describing a seductive guy. Your challenge is to figure out what it is in your real life that the dream describes; what FEELS as if it is "killing you"? Did someone insult you in front of friends so that you felt as if you "wanted to die"? Are you facing a very difficult exam that might "kill" your hopes of graduating with honors? Or perhaps you had a really bad interview that "killed" your hope of getting a better job. This is the sort of thing that your dream illustrates. There is no need to be concerned about any literal killing.

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9y ago

It could mean a number of things depending on your actual situation. The simplest interpretation is that the dream illustrates the common expression, "It just KILLS me... !" Dreams can take such figures of speech literally. So if you tend to say, "He kills me!" when someone makes you laugh or makes you frustrated, you might dream of actually being killed. Another possibility is that something you are doing is coming to an end. For example, you may have been fired from a job, or come to the end of a relationship. Such endings often are seen as death or killing in dreams.

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