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It requires energy.

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Q: What does breaking the outer phosohate bond of ATP do?
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Describe how ATP is formed?

In the cytoplasm (substrate phosphorylation through glycolysis)In the mitochondrial matrix (substrate phosphorylation through citric acid cycle)In the inner mitochondrial membrane (oxidative phosphorylation through electron transport chain)In the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts (photophosphorylation through electron transport chain.

Where is ATPase enzyme needed for muscle contraction located?

It is in the mitochodria and speeds up the formation of ATP by breaking down ATP into ADP + energy. Muscle cells have many more mitochrondia than other cells.

What do mitochondiral and thylakoid membranes have in common?

They both use ATP synthase proteins in ATP production

What are components of ADP?

Each molecule of ADP is made up of an adenosine head and two phosphates. Adenosine: C10H13N5O4; consisting of an adenine ring (same stuff that's in DNA and RNA) and a ribose sugar (once again, also makes up part of DNA). Phosphates: PO3; the bonds are the key to their energy. The bond between the first phosphate and the adenosine is rock solid, just like in most covalent compounds. The bond between that and the second phosphate, however, is considerably less stable and thus more energetic. That's where ADP ends. But most cellular processes are all about ATP, adenosine triphosphate. You get that by hooking another phosphate onto the end of ATP, but that bond is crazy unstable, ready to burst, cram-jam-packed to the gills with energy. The bond holding on the last phosphate is a hair trigger, that lets loose an explosion (well, on a molecular level0 of usable energy, and every cell in every living organism makes it, needs it, and has a way to get it and harness it. There you go. ATP, neatly explained.

What is meant by a net gain of two ATP molecules from glycolysis?


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What high-energy compound acts as a reservoir of energy for the maintenance of a steady supply of ATP?

Creatine phosohate

What is the energy When the outer phosphate group detaches from ATP?

It is an unstable bond.30.7Kj per mole of ATP is produced.

How energy is released from ATP?

After a simple reaction breaking down ATP to ADP, the energy released from the breaking of a molecular bond is the energy we use to keep ourselves alive.When the phosphate group is removed.

What released when ATP is broken down into ADP and one phosphate?

Energy. Breaking the phosphate bond in ATP releases 31Kj mol-1 Energy. ATP = ADP + Pi + Energy

Atp stores energy in the form of what?

Energy is obtained through dephosphorylation. This is why, during energy uses, ATP turns into ADP. The breaking of a phosphate bond releases chemical energy to do cellular work.

Through which of the following processes is energy released in the form of ATP?

ATP has 3 phosphate groups and when the bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken energy is released. Usually this breaking of the third bond happens when ATP reacts with water

How can you tell if a reaction is releasing energy?

energy is released when the ATP hydrogen bond breaks, there are three hydrogen bonds by gabriela diaz

How is energy stored in ATP released?

Energy stored in ATP is released through the breaking of high-energy phosphate bonds. When ATP is hydrolyzed by the enzyme ATPase, a phosphate group is cleaved off, yielding ADP and inorganic phosphate, along with the release of energy that can be used for cellular processes.

How is ATP resynthesised?

First ATP is broken down by breaking the bond between the third and second bond between the phosphate groups in ATP. Forming a phosphate and ADP. These are then rejoined. This for example, occurs during chemiosmosis, in photosynthesis, forming again ATP.

When is the energy stored in ATP released?

The energy stored in ATP is released when a phosphate group is removed from ATP through a hydrolysis reaction, forming ADP and an inorganic phosphate molecule. This process releases energy that can be used by the cell for various biological processes.

ATP is a molecule that stores in its phosphate bonds.?

ATP stores energy in its phosphate bond. This energy is released when the bond break and ATP is converted into ADP. This energy is used to perform vital functions in an organism.ATP stores energy in its phosphate bond. This energy is released when the bond break and ATP is converted into ADP. This energy is used to perform vital functions in an organism.

Which of these molecules has the greatest bond energy 1. ATP 2. They all have the same bond energy. 3. GDP 4. AMP 5. ADP?

ATP has the highest bond energy when compared this all. because ATP having 3 Phospho groups and 3 phospo di ester bond. high energy is required to break this bonds. so ATP is a high energy compound. the body stored energy in the form of ATP. The energy gained by the Metabolism will stored in the form of phosho di ester bond as ATP. so ATP has the highest bond energy.