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Q: What does c stand fo r when it comes to temperature?
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What is the stand by temperature range for a deep fryer?

350o-375o F (175o-190o C

What does C stand for in temperature?

Celsius. It is the metric version of temp.

What temperature is magma when it comes into the magma chamber?

Most often between 700 and 1300 degrees C..

Can Type TW cable be used in an area that has an ambient temperature of 658C?

There is no wire insulation on this earth that can stand a temperature of 658 degrees C (1268 degrees F.).

What is significant about the temperature -40 degrees C?

Only that when converted to Fahrenheit, the same number comes out: minus 40.

What does c stand for as deegrees?

The c stands for celcius. It's the way people measure temperature nearly everywhere except the united states. Water freezes at 0 degrees celcius

When measuring the temperature of boiling water the temperature often comes out highter than 100c why might this happen?

Impurities. Impurities in water will cause the water to evaporate at a slightly higher temperature than 100 deg C. If you where to use distilled water it would evaporate at 100 deg C.

What is c b stand for in football?

I think C B stand for Cornerback.

A B C on the tree?

A B C on the tree . A stand for A B stand for Bee C stand for see means " A bee see on the tree " .....

The temperature at 6 am was −3 °C. By lunch time the temperature has risen by 5°.What was the temperature at lunch time?

-3°C + 5°C = 2°C

How do you take the temperature in groin?

A normal body temperature is usually 36-37°C. The temperature in the mouth is 37.5°C. The temperature in the groin or under the arm is 0.5°C lower, and the temperature in the rectum is 0.5°C higher, If the temperature is above 37.5°C the patient has a fever; the higher the temperature, the greater the fever. A temperature higher than 39°C is a sign of dangerous illness

What does the letter C stand for numerical?

The Cookie Monster would maintain that C is for Cookie, but there are other possibilities. C could stand for Celsius, a scale of temperature. C can also stand in for the speed of light.Further information:Given that the question asks about the numeric value, the most likely answer in this instance is that C stands for the number 100. Roman numerals are denoted by I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500) and M (1000). All other numbers are produced by a combination of these seven letters.