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Most often between 700 and 1300 degrees C..

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Q: What temperature is magma when it comes into the magma chamber?
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Related questions

Where does magma come from?

It comes from the Magma Chamber in the bottom of the volcano. :)

What is the cavity where magma is stored under a volcano called?

This is called the magma chamber.

A chamber underground containing magma?

A magma chamber.

What temperature is required for volcanic eruption?

There is no temperature requirement for volcanic eruptions, the temperature of different typs of magma varies greatly and all of them are capable of producing eruptions. The important thing for eruptions is the pressure within a magma chamber, once the pressure within the chamber exceeds the pressure that is holding the magma inside it will erupt onto the suface.

The order of parts through which magma out of volcano onto the surface?

The magma starts out in the magma chamber, pressure pushes it up into the pipe, then the vent, and then it comes out of the crater.

How does water get trapped in magma?

It really can't. If water touches magma, it almost instantly evaporates. Magma is far too hot to allow water to be a liquid for more than a few milliseconds. Magma is also one of thE hottest liquids in the world.

What temperatures is required for eruption?

There is no temperature requirement for volcanic eruptions, the temperature of different typs of magma varies greatly and all of them are capable of producing eruptions. The important thing for eruptions is the pressure within a magma chamber, once the pressure within the chamber exceeds the pressure that is holding the magma inside it will erupt onto the suface.

Where is the magma in a volcano?

In a magma chamber

Whats a pool of magma called?

Magma is melted rock, which comes from the Earth's mantle, which is the layer immediately below the crust.

How does the magma chamber work?

Magma Chamber: underground pocket of molten rock

What comes first in an eruption magma or lava?

Mountain comes first because the formation of a volcano mountain comes first then it will have a crater because the magma chamber is already full it needs to release the magma which want to go up to the crust

Is there any effect on volcanic eruption by earthquakes?

earthquakes pressurize the main magma chamber in a volcano by the earth crust. as a result the magma comes out of the volcano