

What does caffeine do to your mind and body?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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stimultesthe bodys nervous system to make you more alert

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Q: What does caffeine do to your mind and body?
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What can you take to have more energy in your body and mind?

glass of ice water and an apple. both have no caffeine too.

Do you need caffeine for your body?

No, the body does not need caffeine. People who are addicted to caffeine might think they need it, though.

What is a effect that caffeine can have on the body?

the effect of caffeine is it keeps you awake and keeps the movement of the body 2 as faster

Does nestea green tea have caffeine?

Green Tea is OK but if it is only " TEA " IT HAS CAFFEINE IN IT . ( KEEP THAT IN MIND )

Does caffeine always make you hyper?

No, It sometimes depends on how your body reacts to caffeine..

Where is caffeine used in the body?

into the bloodstream

Is caffeine bad for brain?

Caffeine is not bad for your brain , but can be bad for other parts of your body.

How does caffeine affect the body if abused?

Mixing caffeine with alcohol fools you into thinking that you are not as drunk as you really are. That can easily affect your whole body -- permanently.See the link below for recent research.

Does caffeine affect stress levels?

Caffeine gives a temporary boost of adrenaline to your body. If you ingest large amounts of caffeine, it can lead to a negative effect on your brain. Caffeine is ranked at one of the highest "Most craved" items, so when you're trying to sleep, your body is constantly craving caffeine (causing you to lose sleep, and feel more stress) . If you can control the amount of caffeine you ingest... it can boost your mood.

Can you inject caffeine into your system?

Yes, caffeine is widely injected in hospital if a person is to black out and there is no time to wait for the caffeine to be absorbed by the body.

How caffeine has an effect on the body?

if you ran for 30 min , you would ran for seven min more. caffeine can say in your body for 5 hours.

Co0mpare how caffeine affects the human bodyto the way this chemical affected a spider?

There are a number of differences between the impact of caffeine on the human body and on the spider's body. Caffeine will energize a human and kill a spider.