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Caffeine, in its pure form, is white and powdery. Remember that when it is added to drinks and other things, it is not visible.

Caffeine is an addictive drug. It can help with weight loss, but also the effects of cortisol can have an effect if one is stressed out, because cortisol releases glucose which is then stored as fat.

I hope my answer was satisfactory, best wishes!

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They like the acidic environment

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unlees your mom bands you from caffeine like my mom did then drink alot of more caffeine

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i would like to know as well

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we think it will work because caffeine has a strong smell and maybe insects wont like it.

Is caffeine okay for 11-year-olds?

only like 2 times a week or your body will need the caffeine

What can you drink that doesn't have caffeine?

Most food do not contain caffeine. Foods like colas, chocolate, tea and coffee have caffeinewhile not much else does.

What is hydrocodoneapap 10325MG tab?

this is basically lortab with caffeine in it. caffeine is said to help narcotices work faxter. just like excedring has caffeine it which helps relieve your headache faster.