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Energy is the contribution that carbon makes to compost. Compostable materials move through the decomposition process thanks to certain ambient and procedural requirements (concerning aeration, heat, light, moisture) and to certain macro- and micro-organisms. Carbon-rich materials provide energy for decomposers to get the decomposing into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic material done.

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Q: What does carbon contribute to compost?
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Related questions

What do you have to have in compost?

Nitrogen, carbon, microbes and water.

Where does the heat from the compost bin come from?

Oxidized carbon generates heat in the compost bin.Specifically, a compost bin has to have moisture and materials which are carbon- and nitrogen-rich. There must be about a 27:1 ratio between carbon and nitrogen. The oxygen in water and nitrogen work to oxidize the bin's energy source, carbon.

Is expired yeast good for compost?

Yes, expired yeast is good for compost. It still has living micro-organisms that can contribute to the breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich humus. It also may support the proliferation of beneficial bacteria already in the compost container, heap, pile or pit.

Where does the energy in a compost pile come from?

Carbon is the source of energy in a compost pile. Compost piles need to have brown and green materials, which are respectively carbon- and nitrogen-rich. Green materials provide the pile's decomposition-friendly micro-organisms with proteins.

What are three things in compost?

Carbon, nitrogen, and water are three things in compost. Compost also can be found described as humus or organic material. It results from the natural breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich compostables under the influence of air, beneficial bacteria and fungi, heat, light, and moisture.

Are earwigs attracted to compost?

Most earwigs are omnivorous, and include vegetation, meat and rotting material in their diet so contribute to the composting process. They will be attracted to compost as a source of food.

What compost has the most nutrients?

A compost with a carbon to nitrogen ratio not in excess of 35 to 1 is the compost that has the most nutrients. Higher ratios make the compost's nitrogen inaccessible and unavailable. Yard wastes have high nitrogen and organic content and moderate calcium and phosphorus presences.

Can you put a cigar on a compost pile?

Yes, a cigar can go in a compost pile.Specifically, the tobacco product is question is high in carbon. It therefore may be included as one of the carbon-rich, energizing brown materials within a compost pile. Its paper may need to be removed because of toxically colorful printing inks.

What does compost turn into?

Compost biodegrades into much simplar organic substances and evenually into just dirt. I asume because all compost is organic it would break down into carbon and other element. This answer is free for improvement.

What is the combination of compost?

Twenty-five to 30 parts to one part is the combination of compost. The combination reminds compost-minded cultivators, farmers, gardeners, growers and orchardists of the ratio of carbon- to nitrogen-rich compostable, recyclable materials. Twenty-five to 30 parts of carbon will keep the compost container, heap, pile or pit from decomposing too slowly whereas one part of nitrogen will keep compostables from smelling.

Which gas is thought to contribute to global warming carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2).

Give two ways that human beings contribute to the carbon cycle?

Human beings contribute to the carbon cycle through the burning of biomass like coal and gasoline. They also contribute through deforestation which limits the earths ability to process the excess carbon.