

What does change in motion mean?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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12y ago

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It means any change in

-- speed

-- direction

-- or both.

Constant or 'uniform' motion means steady speed in a straight line.

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6d ago

A change in motion refers to any alteration in an object's velocity or direction of movement. This could involve speeding up, slowing down, changing direction, or a combination of these adjustments. In physics, a change in motion is typically described in terms of acceleration, which is the rate at which velocity changes over time.

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Motion is the change in an object's position.

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If it is constant change in motion, it is acceleration.

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Motion occurs when an object changes its position in relation to a reference point. This change in position can involve a change in speed, direction, or both. So, motion can occur when there is a change in speed, as it reflects a change in the object's state of motion.

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