

What does changes in matter mean?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Examples are: freezing, liquefaction, sublimation, boiling.

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Q: What does changes in matter mean?
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How does the start of matter change during evaporation?

If you mean the "state" of matter, during evaporation, it changes from a liquid to a gas.

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The study of matter and the changes

Is the study of properties of matter and how matter changes?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.

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Chemistry - the study of the properties of matter and how matter changes

How does changes occur in the different changes of matter?

Some laws involved in changes of matter are the Law of Conservation of Matter and the Law of Conservation of Energy. Changes in matter include physical and chemical changes.

What Matter changes state because of?

Matter changes state because of pressure and temperature.

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What state of matter does not change in volume?

Changes in the states of matter - or phase changes - do entail changes in volume.

What do you mean by change of matter?

There are 2 kinds of changes,they are physical and chemical changes.Physical Change-is a change in the form of matter but in it's identity.Chemical Change-is a change in which one kind of matter is changed in to a different type of matter.

The study of matter and how matter changes is?
