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Q: What does chino mean in spanish?
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Related questions

What does chino and gourtho mean in spanish but translate to English?

chino means Chinese (language or nationality) or it could refer to a Chinese guy

What does the Spanish slag word pa chino mean?

pa means para = for chino = Chinese guy but it could also be like a joke Al Pacino (pa chino)

How do you say Chinese in Spanish?

the way to say Chinese in spanish is chino

What does calzón chino mean in Spanish?

It literally means "Chinese underwear". In some places, this slang is used to mean "wedgie" - - pulling up someone else's underwear as a prank.

How do you spell Spanish in Chinese?

西班牙 Like that.

What are the translated English words for horoscopo Chino?

Horoscopo chino is the Spanish phrase for Chinese horoscope. For a Spanish speaker interested in learning more about their Chinese horoscope, there are several Spanish language videos on YouTube available as well as free information on Euroresidentes and AstralCanal.

What Is chino slang for?

"Chino" is a term commonly used in some Spanish-speaking countries as slang to refer to a Chinese person or someone of Asian descent. However, it is important to note that the term can have negative connotations and may be considered offensive or discriminatory. It's best to avoid using slang terms that can be disrespectful or hurtful to others.

How do you say Juan is from china he is Chinese in spanish?

Se dice: "Juan es de China, él es chino."

Why does mr chino grande diss snoop dogg?

Chino Grande dissed Snoop Dogg because he used the word "vato" in his song, and according to Chino Grande this is disrespectful to Mexicans. I find it rather amusing that he would get offended by a black person using the word "vato", when his moniker is CHINO!!!!!!! (Chinese in spanish) Next thing you know some random Chinese rapper is going to make a Chino Grande diss song.

What is the similar to - it is all Greek to me - in the Spanish language?

"It's all Greek to me" (es griego para mí) does exist too in Spanish literature. The most common in both written and spoken Spanish though, at least in Spain, is "me están hablando en chino" (they are speaking Chinese to me).

What does the spanish word Chino Mean in English?

In English, the Spanish word "chino" can have different meanings. It can refer to something Chinese, a curly hair texture, a colloquial term for a corner store or supermarket in some countries, or be used as a nickname for people with certain physical traits.

Where is the Chino Branch Library in Chino located?

The address of the Chino Branch Library is: 13180 Central Ave., Chino, 91710 4125