

What does chromosome 13 do?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What does chromosome 13 do?
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What chromosome is affected during Wilson's disease?

Chromosome 13

What is the difference between Edward's syndrome and Patau's syndrome?

in Patau there is an extra chromosome in chromosome 13, in Edwars it the extra chromosome is in chromosome 18

What is the presence of three of a particular chromosome?

This is known as a trisomy. So if there are 3 of chromosome number 13, you would call it trisomy 13.

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Do you die if you have another 13 chromosome?

Actually Yes you would

Which chromosome number does muscular dystrophy affect?

8 and 13

What number of chromosomes are affected in tourette syndrome?

Either chromosome 13 or 7. Mostly 13

What number autosome seems to have the least amount of genes?

Chromosome 13, 48

What does your body normally do with copper that it does not do with Wilson's Disease?

Wilson's Disease is a disease in which the body contains too much copper. This is due to chromosome 13 malfunctions. Chromosome 13 is the chromosome held with the repsonsibilty of cleansing the liver. If it does not work, the liver and brain will store copper causing many problems within the body.

Is trisomy 13 inherited by a dominant or recessive trait or is it sex linked?

Trisomy 18 is a form of chromosomal aberration. It is neither recessive nor dominant. Neither does it show co-dominance or incomplete dominance factor. It arises due to the presence of an extra chromosome 18 in the somatic cells.

What is the incidence of patau syndrome?

Patau syndrome, also known as Trisomy 13, is an abnormality of chromosomes in which a patient has an additional 13th chromosome due to a failure of chromosomes to split during meiosis. It can cause the following conditions: motor & mental retardation, extra digits, microcephaly, low-set ears, failure of the forbrain to divide properly, heart defects, eye defects, cleft palate, spinal defects, abnormal genitalia, abnormal palm patterns or overlapping of fingers over thumb. Photos of children with Patau Syndrome - Trisomy 13.

Prader-willi and angelmen syndrome are caused by a deletion?

due to deletion of seven genes (or some subset thereof) on chromosome 15 (q 11-13) are deleted or unexpressed (chromosome 15q partial deletion) on the paternal chromosome.