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Q: What does claritin have in it?
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Is Claritin good for headaches?

No! Claritin is eye drops for blurriness.

Can you take Claritin with Atenlol?

You can take Claritin-D with Atenolol.

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Does Claritin D have methadone chemicals?

No, claritin D contains an antihistamine and a decongestant.

It shows the keflex ?

It shows the keflex did not work, and you will likely need a different antibiotic which i why I suggest avelox. Claritin does not cause drowsiness or increase your blood pressure, so you may take it safely. You should avoid claritin-D because it increases blood pressure. Claritin and claritin-D are different drugs, claritin is for allergies while claritin-D is for allergies and decongestion of your nose and sinuses

Does Claritin affect depo provera?

There are no known drug interactions between Claritin and Depo Provera

Can you take azthromycin and Claritin together?

Yes you can take both Azithromycin & Claritin, there are no drug interactions.

What is the difference between Benadryl and Claritin?

You take benadryl when you need it, where as claritin is more of a preventative thing.

Does Claritin contain Sudifed?

Claritin DOES NOT contain Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine) but Claritin D does CONTAIN Sudafed. Clairitin can be purchased easly over the counter but Claritin D has restrictions and must be purchased from your pharmacist. Visit for health care savings options

Claritin will show up in drug test as?

Claritin in a non-issue in drug testing as it is an OTC antihistamine.