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Sharing with all other members of this group of vertebrates, the ability to feed their offspring on milk and having a body covering which includes fur.

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Q: What does class mean on the animal kingdom?
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What does kingdom phylum and class mean?

Kingdom: Plant or Animal Phylum: Characteristics (e.g. vertebrate or invertebrate) Class: Systematics (e.g. herbivore or carnivore)

A skunk is in what animal kingdom?

A skunk belongs to the animal kingdom, specifically within the Mammalia class.

What kingdom do butterfly belong to?

The Animal Kingdom. 'Insects' is the Class that they belong to.

Are sharks and dolphins in different kingdoms?

No, All animals are in the same kingdom... The animal Kingdom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- However I think what you mean is that Dolphins are Class Mammalia (the are mammals), while sharks are Class Chondrichthyes (they are cartilaginous fishes)

Is ant an animal?

Yes. It is the Class Insecta, the Phylum Anthropoda, and the Kingdom Animalia. Anything in the Kingdom Animalia is an animal.

What is the order of the animal kingdom?

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Venus Species

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What is the order of animal kingdom classes?

Kingdom phylum class order family genus and species

Animal kingdom of a fish?

Fish are vertebrates as they have a backbone/spine, and they belong to the group Pisces

What class in the animal kingdom do humans belong in?

mammal, rational biped

What scientific kingdom is the snail in?

All snails are in the Animal Kingdom of life, in the Mollusk Phylum, and the Gastropod class.

What is the order of the animal classification chart?

The order of the animal classification chart is as follows: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.