

What does cnidarian do with its food after its stung?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What does cnidarian do with its food after its stung?
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They use them to capture food.

How does cnidarian's get food?

The cnidarians get food by using either stingers or ink sprayers.

How does a cnidarian obtain food?

By swimming around and eating it: plankton,algea and such.

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Yes, coral is a cnidarian.

How do put cnidarian in a sentence?

On the field trip, I saw a "cnidarian"when we went on a submarine.**************************A jellyfish is a basic example of a cnidarian.

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No, an octopus would be an example of a mollusk (not a cnidarian).

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Is squid a Cnidarian?

No- they do not belong to the phylum Cnidarian. They belong to Molluska.

What a Cnidarian?

A jelly fish. Cnidarian's have a sting cell called a cnidnocyte which is the defining feature.

How do cnidarian get energy?

Like all animals; thru their food. They are filter feeders, if that helps. The water carries the little bits of food in their body along with the oxygen they need.