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Q: What does cognitively undemanding?
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What is the opposite of fussy?

Uncritical, undemanding

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How do teens differ cognitively from adults?

What is a synonym of easy?

Simple, straightforward or undemanding.

What does cognitively impaired mean?

loss of the ability to think

WHAT IS A cognitively complex communicator?

Thinks and acts quickly

What words can replace simple?

STRAIGHTFORWARD, easy, uncomplicated, uninvolved, effortless, painless, undemanding, elementary,

What is a synonym for easy?

Synonyms: simple, trouble-free, straightforward, effortless, uncomplicated, undemanding, unproblematic, painless

Why are chimps used as models?

Because they are so genetically, anatomically, and cognitively similar to humans.

What programs provides an environment where children can select and learn from their own activities?

A cognitively oriented curriculum.

Incidents where Lennie demonstrates that he is slow and retarded in Of Mice and Men?

He is cognitively disabled. It is taboo to say retarted.

What is another word for effortless?

Effortless means that no exertion was required. This could mean mental or physical exertion. It was easy, undemanding, unchallenging, painless, elementary, or simple.

Which theorist alleged that children cognitively can only accomplish certain tasks when they are developmentally ready?

Piagets's cognitive theory.