

What does color red signify?

Updated: 4/4/2022
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8y ago

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red says look at me,im on has nothing to do with also says.if you want this,come and get it

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Bailee Hand

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: What does color red signify?
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depends it could mean blood or that him/her are afraid what their problems brough concequences to himself/herself.The color red is generally used to signify a warrior. The color red on a family crest symbolizes military greatness.

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Research shows the most popular flower for a Prom corsage is roses. Each different color rose is known to signify a different meaning (i.e. red roses signify love, yellow roses signify friendship etc.). You can learn more about different color roses here -

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pink, blue or yellow or your mom's favorite color.