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Q: What does continuous training involve?
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Difference between interval training and continuous training?

Interval training is periods of work followed by periods of rest. This is known as work:rest ratio. This is commonly used to train the anaerobic energy system. Continuous training, of which there are many forms does not involve rest periods, although it could involve periods of different intensities (such as Fartlek training).

Is price discrete or continuous?

continuous because discrete data involve a count of items

What sports uses continuous training?

It not what sports use continuous training. It's more about the person playing it and how well they want to do in it. Because people who don't care much and don't worry about being good wont really use continuous training, but someone who wants to be the best and progress in the sport will do continuous training no matter what sport it is.

How does continuous training improve your performance?

because it does

What sport best fits continuous training?


What is the other term for continuous training?

Long Distance running

What specific task will soccer involve?

hard training

Why would an athlete use continuous training?

Continuous training is very popular by cyclers or marathon runners because continuous training improves both, endurance fitness and muscular fitness. IT IMPROVES VERY WELL THE CARDIOVASCULAR FTNESS

What are the 5 different types of training used for training in netball?

well there is weight training, fartlek,continuous, interval , circuit, flexibility and weight

What is an advantage of continuous training?

Weight loss Better Cardio Vascular

What are the characteristics of continuous training?

There are a few characteristics of continuous training. Those with higher skill levels and university degrees will likely be trained more than those with lower skill levels. Females are also more likely to receive training over males and training also tends to decline with age.

What are some similarities about water cycle and life cycle?

Both are continuous process. Both involve replenishment of resources.