

What does crabs mate with?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What does crabs mate with?
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Blue crabs produce eggs via which baby crabs arrive

Do hermit crabs have babies?

hermit crabs mate in waters so if they are in captivity no in the wild yes hermit crabs mate in waters so if they are in captivity no in the wild yes

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Do hermit crabs lay eggs or do they have to mate?

i think they get jiggy with a mate and lay eggs.

When will hermit crabs mate?

they are probably mating right now bacause they mate all the time

Do land hermit crabs mate?

Yes, land hermit crabs do mate. If you mean in captivity...yes and no. They will mate and sometimes you will even get fertilized eggs, but you can not raise them to be surviving baby hermit crabs in captivity unless you can duplicate the ocean.

Why do fiddler crabs raise their pincher in the air?

Males do it to attract a mate.

What age cant hermit crabs mate at and roughly how big can they get?

If you plan on making your crabs mate, you're out of luck because they only reproduce in the wild. They can become friends with each other in captivity. They can get as big as a baseball, but fear not, because not all crabs even grow that big.

Can crabs mate with any other fish?

Yes but only for eating purpose

Life spand of crabs?

crabs tend not to leave they need to be exterminated with a medicated shampoo. the lice or (crabs) will mate and re-generate so the will never leave. and you could just shave your pubes

How do you know when you hermit crabs are matting?

Hermit crabs in captivity cannot mate. Unless you live on a tropical island with wild hermit crabs, there's no need to worry. They were probably just playing.