

What does current Chinese flag mean?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What does current Chinese flag mean?
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What does yellow mean on the Chinese flag?

There's no yellow on the Chinese flag

How created the Chinese flag?

China's current flag was created byZeng Liansong in 1949, and first unveiled after the communists won the Chinese Civil War.

What does the red background on the Chinese flag mean?


What does the red in the chinese flag mean?

The communist revolution

Who designed the current Chinese flag?

Zeng Liaosong. He was trades man and he put lots of thought into the flag. hope this helps..

What does blue stand for in china?

The blue represents nationalism and liberty in the current Chinese flag.

What does the red background mean on the Chinese flag?

It symbolizes the blood and struggle of the people in the Chinese revolution.

What do the colors on the flag of China represent?

the red dot represents the sun, im not sure what the white indicates. __ Red dot on white background is the Japanese flag, not the Chinese flag. The Chinese flag is red with 5 yellow stars. The current government line is: Red = the Chinese Revolution. The stars are supposed to represent unity of the people all under the Communist Party leadership.

Why is there a Chinese flag on the f22 raptor f35 lightning?

actually, that's not the Chinese flag is the Turkish flag!

What do the yellow stars mean on the Chinese flag?

i think it means the sun and gods in china.

What does the yellow on the Chinese flag stand for?

It is mean Communism

When was the Chinese flag designed?

The Chinese flag was designed in 1984 in honor of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II