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it means that how are thing NOW.... what have changed.... how is it now

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Q: What does current focus mean?
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It means Focus Sports Technology - Focus ST

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Focus means like the subject.

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Concentrate means to focus on something intently, giving it your full attention. It can also refer to a substance that has been made stronger by removing some of the other components through a process like evaporation or filtration.

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What does 'thuy nga' mean in English?

Thuy Nga is actually a company name which was founded in Vietnam who focus on entertainment production such as music. Their current headquarters is now in the United States of America.

What measurement focus does a debt service fund use?

current financial resources

What does it mean if an image is brought into focus?

When an image is brought into focus, it means that the rays of light entering a lens are properly aligned so that they converge at a single point, resulting in a clear and sharp image. This adjustment ensures that the details in the image are crisp and well-defined.

What is the word ''Current'' mean?
