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Daisy seems indifferent and somewhat detached from her daughter in "The Great Gatsby." She is more focused on her own desires and the excitement of her own life, often leaving the care of her daughter to others. Daisy's relationship with her daughter reflects her selfish nature and lack of maternal instincts.

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Q: What does daisy feel about her daughter in The Great Gatsby?
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What does daisy and tom think of gatsby's parties in The Great Gatsby?

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As Gatsby's meeting with Daisy continues, he begins to face the problem of reality conflicting with his idealized image of her. He starts to realize that she may not live up to the perfect memory he has held onto for so long, leading to a sense of disappointment and disillusionment. Additionally, Gatsby must confront the obstacles that exist between them, such as Daisy's marriage to Tom Buchanan.

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How does Zeus feel about his daughter Athena?

He thinks she is a great lady.