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Q: What does death life represent?
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What items or symbols can be used to represent Life or Death?

The symbol of life is lightness and the symbol of death is darkness.

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It symbolizes the three stages of life: Birth, life, death.

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WATER REPESENT LIFE, FIRE REPESENT DEATH water repesent life, fire repesent purity

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The colors in "The Masque of the Red Death" represent the seven stages of life. Blue, Purple, Green, Orange, White, Violet, and Black. These are the colors in order for which the stages of life go in.

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it could represent death or maybe a start of a new life

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The purple room represents a basic meaning of life........

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The theft of Kemmerich' watch represents his life being taken by death.

How is life and death represented in baptism?

In an immersion baptism (where in the individual is buried in the water and then pulled up again) death is represented by the person being laid in or buried by the water. This can represent the death of the old person, the natural man, sin, or even the death of Christ - depending upon your personal religious beliefs. Life is represented by coming up out of the water. This can represent a new life in Christ, the resurrection of Christ, and rebirth.

What do lillies represent?

Lillies are a funeral flower, they represent death.

What is the meaning of a skull ring during halloween?

Skulls are powerful symbols at Halloween time. They represent the remnants of life. They are also seen as a psychic seat of humans. However, it can also represent death.

What is the symbolism of march of death?

The march of death symbolizes the relentless and inevitable passage of time, the journey towards mortality, and the cycle of life and death. It can also represent themes of suffering, loss, and the transient nature of human existence.

What does the font represent?

it represent life in god