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Thw beginning sounds like difference.

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Q: What does different sound like fir example there sounds like fair?
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What do you call words that mean the same but are spelled different?

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Words that both sound the same and are spelled the same and both homonyms (same sound) Fair, as in country fair and fair as in reasonable for example

What homophone for fare?

A homophone is a word with a different definition and spelling that sounds the same. A homophone for the word fare is fair.

Is their a long or short vowel word?

It is neither, because of the R. The EI pair creates a long A otherwise. These types of long A sounds are called caret A because they have an AY+R (air) sound. They include words such as care, bear, fair, and where. In US English, it is not very different from the long A sound.

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Most AI words sound like long A as in AY - maid, waif, maim, nail, main, fair, baitOnly some sound like E or I : said, aisle

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What words have a long 'ear' sound?

Most words spelled with -ear have a long E sound called a caret I, which sounds like "ear" as in fear, gear, and hear. It is also heard in words such as beer and pier. A few have the long A sound called a caret A, which sounds like "air" as in fare and fair. These are bear, pear, swear, wear, and tear (rip).

How many ways to spell fairies?

There are 2 uses. 'Fair' and 'Fare' are homophones (sound alike words) that are commonly confused with one another.Fair means free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice. Examples: She was a fair person, or it was a fair fight.Fare means the money a passenger on public transportation has to pay. Example: He had to pay the bus fare before he could ride the bus.

How do you do a science fair experiment about water pollution?

Well what you can look at for example is the level of certain chemicals in several different locations. For example: Water from different lakes, rivers Drinking water with tap water ..etc...

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My Fair Lady won the Oscar for Sound in 1964.

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