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Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by some characteristic.

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Q: What does distinguished mean from dictionary meanings?
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It could mean you don't know the answer to a question, other meanings can be found in a dictionary.

What does dictionary mean?

A dictionary is a reference book that typically lists words in alphabetical order, along with their definitions, pronunciations, and sometimes their origins and usage. It is used to look up the meanings of words and to help with spelling and language comprehension.

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'(he/she/it/you) also has hair' (though'pelo' has many other meanings: consult dictionary)

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The word "set" has the most meanings in the dictionary, with over 400 different definitions.

What info can you get from a dictionary?

The info you can get from a dictionary is what words mean. Like say I wanted to learn what the word computer means. I would check the dictionary, go to where it says computer and it will tell me multiple meanings of that word.

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The two meanings of "condense" are to make something more concentrated or dense, and to make something shorter or more concise.

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"The Devil's Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce consists of satirical definitions of various words in alphabetical order, along with their meanings.

What are two kind of dictionary?

1. Dictionary. 2. Thesaurus. You can find meanings of words in both.

What are some different meanings of the word 'surreptitious'?

Surreptitious has several meanings in today's modern dictionary. It may mean done, made or acquired by stealth, or acting or doing something clandestinely.