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Every species of animal or plant has its own name, not equal to others, they usually have 2 names, just like people, but in this case first name for same species, and different last name to separate subcategories, this 2 names are called " Scientific name " and it's written on an old language called "Latin", it's usually named by the discoverer or in some cases specialized scientists and they base the second name on the main or one of the main qualities of the species, as in "Homo Sapiens" "Sapiens" mean "Thinker" in Latin, that means that Homo Sapiens main quality is it's thinking.

As you might know Salvia is the first name, there are a lot of salvias, that's why they put the second one "Divinorum", I know Spanish which is derived from Latin, so "Divinorum" would mean something like "Divine" or "Heavenly", most probably named by the discoverer after knowing its effects.

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Is salvia used in Chinese medicine?

If by Salvia you mean Salvia Divinorum, then the answer is no. Salvia Divinorum is not used in Chinese medicine, as Salvia does not naturally grow in any region of China. Salvia Divinorum is only to be found in Oaxaca, Mexico.

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Although some studies have indicated that Salvia divinorum may be effective in treating the symptoms of depression, taking Salvia divinorum (particularly smoking it) should be considered unhealthy, especially because the long term effects of Salvia divinorum usage are not well-known.

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Salvia divinorum does flower, but it is very difficult to start a plant from seed. Usually, plants are cloned from cuttings.

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No, Salvia nemorosa does not contain salvinorins, the active components of Salvia divinorum.

Can you buy salvia divinorum at the beach?

Whether or not one can purchase Salvia divinorum at the beach depends largely on what state/country the beach is in. Because S. divinorum is illegal in some states and countries, those beaches would probably not have vendors selling the product. On the other hand, at beaches where S. divinorum is legal and there is a suitable demand, Salvia may be sold by some beach shops.

Do you smoke the seeds of Salvia divinorum?

Salvia divinorum does not often produce seeds (and almost never produces viable ones). Also, the seeds are quite small and contain little Salvinorin A. Therefore, the foliage of S. divinorum is the part of the plant smoked for psychotropic effects, not the seeds.

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