

What does each new cell get after mitosis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Each daughter cell gets an exact copy of its parent cell i.e same genetic material

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Q: What does each new cell get after mitosis?
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What ensures that each new eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosome?

Mitosis results in two identical cells being produced from the original cell. A copy of each chromosome is made before the cell divides and one of each chromosome goes to each new cell.

How many does each new cell have after mitosis?


How many chromosomes does each new cell contains after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

How does a new cell formed by mitosis compare with the orginal cell?

A new cell membrane forms around each group of chromosomes

Does mitosis ensure that each new eukaryote cell receives a copy of each chromosome?

Yes, it does! This occurs during G2 phase of Mitosis.

How many chromosomes does each new cell contian after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chronosomes?

52 chromosomes, beca.use the number of chromomes remain the same in mitosis

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain(After mitosis) if the original cell had 52 chromosomes?

52 - mitosis produces daughter cells with exactly the same chromosomes of the original cell.

How many new chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the parent has 52 chromosomes?

52 chromosomes. The chromosomes are duplicated

How many chromosomes does each new cell containt after mitosis if the parent has 52chromosomes?


How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

They would each have 52. When a cell divides through mitosis, it copies the original chromosomes, pulls them apart so that there is a copy of the same set of chromosomes on each side of the cell, then divides. The original set of chromosomes will always be the exact same set as the daughter cell's set of chromosomes (unless something went horribly wrong.) -if you are on a worksheet called "Section 1 Reinforcement - Cell Division and Mitosis" for number 8, I'm in the same situation...

How does mitosis ensure that a new plant cell is identical to its parents?

Mitosis ensure that a new cell is identical to its parents by their copy of the parent's genome in mitosis. Identical genetic information will result in identical cells.