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Q: What does each sphere in a molecule represents?
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Each dash in the structural formula of an organic molecule represents a shared?

Each dash represents a pair of shared electrons, 1 from each atom, that creates a (covalent) bond.

What does a hemisphere represents what part of a sphere?

Half of it.

What formula represents a linear molecule?

A molecule whose atoms are arranged so that the bond angle between each is 180°; an example is carbon dioxide, CO2.

What part of a sphere represents a hemisphere?

1/2 of a sphere A hemisphere is half of a sphere as in northern or southern hemispheres of the earth.

What does a chemical equation represents?

The formula of which a compound is made of.Another OpinionA chemical equation represents how many atoms of each element are in one molecule of the substance, for example H2O has 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen per water molecule.

What is the name of the Archimedean solid that the ball represents?

A sphere.

What correctly represents the surface area of a sphere with radius r?

Surface area of a sphere: SA = 4πr2

What shape represents a glucose molecule?

The shape that represents a glucose molecule is a hexagon with a carbon coming off the upper carbon

Carbon-12 represents what type of molecule?

It's not a molecule, it is an element

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Does H2O represent a molecule?

Yes, The formula H2O represents a water molecule.