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Q: What does earache and swollen lymph nodes in kids mean?
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Why do malnourished kids get swollen stomachs?

The swollen stomach is because of the enlargement of the liver. The condition might also be referred as Kwashiorkor.

What does a large hard lump on the right side of a child's neck mean?

Young children often develop swollen lymph nodes in this area following a bad viral infection or ear infection on the same side as the lump. Lymph glands filter out "poisons" from infections by actually growing bigger in order to deal with the infective processes involved and often never completely go away after the causitive condition has resolved (I have a small firm lymph gland from when I was a child and had a really bad viral infection; I am 66 years old now) ... If there are swollen glands under the jaw and other areas in addition to the lump you describe, next time you see the pediatrician be sure and have him check this out. There are some no-so-innocent causes of widespread lymph gland swelling...

How did you know people had the black death?

Enlarged inflamed lymph nodes in arm pits, groin, neck. Fever around 103 deg F headaches, nausea, vomiting, aching joints. some people survived, and passed it down to their kids, who passed it down to their kids and so on. Also, there is scientifical proof, and the black death is still here today, though very easy to cure.

What happened to the left side of Ernie Johnson's face - host of NBA on TNT?

Ernie has a less aggresive form of cancer his doctors have been monitoring. A lymph nose near his ear is swollen. He is undergoing chemo ove the summer. He has four kids and a wife. NICE guy, hope he is well and back in the fall.

Can kids get fat lips?

Any person children included can get a fat or swollen lip from a blow.

What to do if your ankle hurts but it's not swollen?

its because its probably swollen or you must have pulled something very common especially with kids these days

Why do malnourished kids in Africa have big stomachs?

The swollen stomach is because of the enlargement of the liver, due to a protein deficiency. The condition is called Kwashiorkor.

Side effects of DTP jab in kids?

fainting, blue lips, swollen limbs/face, painful arm... i think that's all the most common ones

What are the elements of the immune system?

The main components of the immune system are the spleen, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, mucosal associated lymph tissue, and generative lymphatic organs, such as bone marrow and the thymus gland.

What is rosalea disease?

Roseola (also known as sixth disease, exanthem subitum, and roseola infantum) is a viral illness in young kids, most commonly affecting those between 6 months and 2 years old.A child with roseola typically develops a mild upper respiratory illness, followed by a high fever (often over 103° F or 39.5° C) for up to a week. During this time, the child may appear fussy or irritable and may have a decreased appetite and swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck.The high fever often ends abruptly, and at about the same time a pinkish-red flat or raised rash appears on the trunk and spreads over the body. The rash's spots blanch (turn white) when you touch them, and individual spots may have a lighter "halo" around them. The rash usually spreads to the neck, face, arms, and legs.

What are the signs of strep throat?

The most consistent and prominent symptoms are a sore throat and pain with swallowing. Classically the throat is solidly red and swollen with white patches (called exudates) although this can vary. The palate (roof of the mouth) may have small red dots (petechiae). Swollen lymph nodes ("glands" ) in the front of the neck are almost always present. A high fever and generalised aching in the joints and/ or muscles are also common.A diffuse red rash that is commonly described as "sand paper" and is associated with a red "strawberry" tongue suggests scarlet fever which is also caused by strep. The rash is generally not itchy and does not include hives. Other rashes are more suggestive of viral infections.Small children sometimes present with abdominal pain and even vomitting but this is not a common or prominent symptom in adults (unless from the antibiotics).Diarrhea generally is not from strep. Runny nose, head congestion and cough are also usually not associted with strep (they suggest viral infections).Strep is obviously contagious but not to the degree that most people assume. Only about 5% of siblings will catch strep when it is in the house. An infection "running through the whole house" and infecting multiple family members or a large percentage of the children in a day care center or school is usually a virus rather than strep. It should be kept in mind that the rapid strep tests (that give a result in 5 minutes) will be positive in 10% of people who do not have strep. So if 20 kids in a class get sick 2 will test positive by random chance even if it is just a virus. Despite this, people will cite those two cases and say that "strep is going around".Difficulty swallowing; uneven swelling of the throat (more swollen on one side); pain that goes down into the chest, especially with swallowing, and stiff neck are all signs of other complications and reasons to see the doctor immediately.Symptoms of Strep are high fever, soar throat and vomiting.symptomsdifficulty swallowingsudden feverdiscomfortloss of appetitenausearashred throat, with pus pocketssore throattenderness in the neck

What can you do for a earache naturally?

If it is a minor ear ache they used to say having someone blow smoke in your ear would help and it seemed to. However, I don't think it was the smoke that helped. I think if you have someone blow gently in your ear by placing their open mouth over your ear, the warm air will provide some relief. It always worked for my kids.