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At least 270 electoral votes are needed to win the U.S. presidency. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

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No, they only need to have a majority in electoral votes to win.

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the majority vote of the electoral college

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The biggest argument against the electoral college is that the electoral vote does not always reflect the preference of the majority of the population.

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This question may be poorly written. To answer the question as it stands, the candidate who wins the election receives the majority of the electoral votes. This question may be poorly written. To answer the question as it stands, the candidate who wins the election receives the majority of the electoral votes.

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House of Representatives

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The House of Representatives.

Does the majority of electoral votes make a winner?

It cannot be just a simple majority; it has to be an absolute majority. In other words, in order to win one must receive more than 50% of all of the electoral votes (at least 270).

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A candidate could be elected by having a majority of the Electoral votes, but losing the popular vote. And (at one time) Electors were not bound to vote the same way as the majority in their state had voted.

What margin is required to choose the president?

The winning candidate has to have a simple majority of votes from the electoral college. In other words, the candidate will only need to win by ONE electoral vote to become the president. He must receive a simple majority of the 535 votes in the electoral college.