

What does electro negativity of an element indicate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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How much an element is attracted to receiving valance electrons. The more electronegative, the more it needs electrons.

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Q: What does electro negativity of an element indicate?
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What elements has the highest electronagativity?

The element with the highest electro negativity is Fluorine. The general trend on the periodic table for electro negativity is that as you go across periods (horizontally) the electro negativity increases while going down groups (vertically) the electro negativity decreases.

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Francuim is thought to have the lowest electro-negativity.Linus Pauling estimated that francium had the same electro-negativity as Caesium = 0.7. The electro-negativity of caesium was later revised to 7.9 but francium is so unstable and reactive that it is not possible to obtain samples of pure francium to accurately determine its electro-negativity.

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Because of the electro negativity

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Electro negativity is lowest in the bottom of the first group. Cs and Fr have least electro negativity.

What can be deduced about the electronegativity of hydrogen relative to that of nitrogen?

The electro negativity of Nitrogen is 3.04 and the electro negativity of Hydrogen is 2.10. If you subtract the two numbers, you will have the electro negativity difference.Eg3.04 - 2.10= 0.94This works for all of the elements on the periodic table the same way.

Is a covalent bond considered polar or nonpolar?

Both actually. It just depends on the electro-negativity of the atoms bonded together. If both have the same electro-negativity, it is a nonpolar covalent bond. Otherwise, you have a polar covalent bond.

Does the NH3 molecule contain polar bonds?

Yes Because the electro-negativity number of N is 3.0 - the electro-negativity number of H is 2.1 =.09 If two elements have an electro-negativity number between 0.5 and 2.1, it has a polar bond. Another way is that N and H are both non-metal and they have an unequal share of electron so it is a polar covalent bond.

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Does water have a polarity pattern consistent with the electro-negativity values of O and H?

Yes, it is correct.