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A plough is primarily used for preparing the soil for planting crops by turning and breaking up the soil, making it easier for seeds to be sown. Another use of a plough is for weed control, as it can help to bury or disrupt weeds, preventing their growth and competition with cultivated plants.

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What is wrong with your cat watery eyes and dirty nose?

Most like it is an Upper Repertory Infection, and could be spread to other cats in the house quite easily. Just like with people cats can catch colds from viruses, but a cat will not catch a cold from you or you from them. Sick cats need to be separated from any other cats in the house as it can be airborne spread. See a vet since this can be a sign of real illness in cats, and could be fatal, especially in weak, old or very young cats. Healthy cats will most likely get over it with no problems, but if they aren't eating, drinking or are very listless, get to a vet ASAP. Some kinds of viruses have a vaccine (herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV) are preventable), so always be sure your cat has up to date shots.

What are some of the symptoms of Equine influenza in horses?

Signs of cat flu are similar to colds and flu in people. FHV-1 tends to cause more severe disease, the major signs are inflammation of the lining around the eye (conjunctivitis) and nose (rhinitis). This causes a clear discharge from the nose and eyes which becomes thickened and purulent as the disease progresses due to secondary bacterial infection. Cats tend to be dull and depressed with a raised temperature, sneezing and are reluctant to eat. Coughing is also a feature in some cases. Rarely the virus will cause skin lesions and invade the lungs causing pneumonia. Without treatment signs usually resolve in 2-3 weeks but some cats are left with a chronic, intermittent nasal discharge or eye disease.

What are the symptoms of cat flu do kittens get it?

Yes, cats and kittens can most definitely get the flu - it can be pretty serious sometimes and fatal in kittens. Symptoms can include sneezing, runny eyes and nose and loss of appetite. A trip to the vet is highly recommmended if you suspect your pet has cat flu. It's worth noting that humans can't catch flu from cats and vice verse. There's plenty of help and information on cat flu and cat colds at