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Q: What does fluttering or floaties feel like in pregnancy?
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In what week of pregnancy do you begin to feel movement?

It wont be hard movement at first, you'll feel like fluttering in your tummy. But the fetal movement usually begins between 18 and 22weeks.

What is it like to wear arm floaties?

Wearing floaties is awkward if you know how to swim. It is like being lifted up by the arms.

Is a strange feeling almost like a bubble in your lower right abdomen along with some fluttering a sign of pregnancy?

Hello. This could be a sign of pregnancy or simply wind.

What does quickening feel like?

You Will Know When It Happens Answer It felt like a bird trapped in my chest cavity or a butterfly fluttering in my chest.

What does it feel like when your baby moves at 5 months?

Most women explain it as like butterflies fluttering in your stomach or bubbles

How can you tell if the baby kicks?

early in pregnancy at first the baby's movement will feel more like fluttering of butterflies in the bottom of you stomach which will then change to more harsher thumps and as you sit you will see your bumps moving. and sometimes you can make out if it is a hand or a foot.

I am not more than 4 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing very low abdominal fluttering that does not feel like gas or hunger rumbles at all - thoughts?

It´s most likely wind, very common at that early stage of pregnancy.

Can you feel your baby move at 7 weeks?

Yes, you can feel movement in your fourth month of pregnancy. It is around this time that you may start to experience a flutter in your stomach, much like the feeling of having butterflies in your tummy.

Can you feel pulling in your belly if you are pregnant?

When a woman is excited or fearful of their (possible) pregnancy, their mind can generate all sorts of "symptoms" that may leave them wondering until they know for sure. The mind is a very powerful influence over the body and the symptoms you may or may not experience.A pulling sensation in the navel may or may not be similar to the feeling of fluttering in the womb. Fluttering sensations in the lower stomach are considered to be a symptom of pregnancy. The fluttering sensation is created by the (new) heartbeat of the fetus or, when it's developed enough, actual movement of the fetus.Either way, you should take a pregnancy test to be sure of the results.

What are 'butterflies in your stomach'?

It's an idiom meaning that you feel nervous, because when you're nervous it feels like something in your stomach is fluttering or twisting.

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How far along in a pregnancy do you feel the baby kicking?

I think that for a first pregnancy, it's usually at about 16 weeks at the earliest that the mother may feel the baby kick. If you've already had a baby, you might feel it earlier. But it's not really a kicking sensation, more like having a butterfly fluttering around in your tummy and you might even just think that it's wind or something at first! It's not till probably 20+ weeks before other people can feel it by placing their hand on your tummy.