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means its done, whatever task alluded to has been completed. Say ur boss asks u do something, afterwards u email her "the fox is in the hole"

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12y ago
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10y ago

That's only part of a saying. "A fox in the hen house will loses it's appetite for chicken" is the saying as I heard it. It's a meaning to describe over-indulgence

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Q: What does fox in the hen house mean?
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What does putting the fox in the hen house mean?

If you don't want dead chickens, then DON'T put a fox in the hen house!

How do you make a sentence with the word sly?

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1. Bring across the fox and corn. 2. Return with the fox. 3. This time bring the hen across. 4. Return with the corn and collect the fox. 5. Bring the corn and fox across.

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Take the hen across first. Go back alone. Take the fox. Take the hen back. Get the food and leave the hen. Go back alone. Take the hen.

Would a fox steal hen eggs?

no but they would steal a hen.

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1- take the hen over to the other-side. 2- get the fox and take it over to where the hen is but take the hen back with you. 3- take the corn over to the fox. 4-then take the hen over and they will all be on the other-side of the river. hope this helps from i-luv-my-chickens

Hen sits in the hen house on what?

They sit in the hen house on eggs, on the roost or in a nest.

What does as nervous as a June bug in a hen house mean metaphor?

goulhjb ,mvm,

What are the name for hen shelter?

Hen house, chicken coop.

What is hen house production?

a hen house is where the hens produce table eggs.

What did George Fox do about slavery?

He led hen into freedom